Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sleep Anxiety

Why am I afraid to go to sleep? I'm laying down on the couch waiting for eyes to shut and I can't stop thinking about sushi and boys and clothes and money. My random ass mind chatter is goingto be the death of me…I am sure of it. Its like I think too much for my health. I'm always thinking a lot and when I try to communicate my ideas they don't come out right or I get totally fucked up. I need some positive reinforcement to get my thoughts organized. I want to know what do journalist, writers, hell rappers do to keep their train of thought. Whenever I need to just vent I tend to go to 1 to 1oo and back to 62 in like 4 seconds. Goodness my mind is raing now. I don't do hard drugs, come on I am a college student I have to try something! But everyone else tells me shut the hell up kid your over thinking. I guess I confuse them. Maybe watching random tv shows has something to do with that…side bar: Family is funny as fuck… I wanna go TO SLEEP…may be if I had a stable boy friend who could keep my interest for more than ten minutes I wouldn't be in this situation. Boys suck! My dleeping pattern sucks too!

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