Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 New Everything?

I don't know why but on December
25, 2008

I decided that in 2009 everything had to change. I
have no explanation for this idea but it feels GOOD. I
feel like it will be a lot of work to change and be more focused on myself. This is my change list:

Weight -50 or so pounds



Decide on my major

Decide on my school

Get a job!

Become more independent

Get a boyfriend

Learn how to play the piano

Join an organization

Do community service

Spiritual connect with myself

Get back into theater or do poetry shows

Study fashion

Redecorate my dorm room

Get along with people better


That's not really it.

I don't think it's a lot of stuff but it sure will keep me busy for the year…especially the weight thing…

need to get spiritually connected so everything can happen.

Love me. Teach me. Be me.

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