Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ask me anything

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Breaking Point

It comes that time or at least the first time in every young women's life when she realizes that she deserves better or actually deserves anything at all. Making the excuses and hoping things will change will never make the situation better. I can't blame other people for things that keep happening to me. The same bullshit happens over and over again and never thought once "why the fuck do u put up with this?" until today. No matter what may have happened today plenty of things could have went differently. Going back to my last blog about love. This is the first step of loving myself. Getting angry enough to make drastic steps to change the environment I'm in. There are so many things we aren't in control of at certain points in our lives but the few things that we can control we need to make sure that we take responsibility for our decisions. I have to be honest with myself. I need a new way of thinking.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

L blah O blah V blah E blah

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

Regardless if you had a good or bad Valentines its was still a nice day because you were fortunate enough to experience the heartache and joy.

With that being said, my V-day wasn't the best but for some reason I realized what I loved more than who I loved. No doubt there isn't a better feeling then getting roses and candy to make you feel special. However, doing something and getting that warm tingling feeling in your body is a lot better.

Yes, no doubt I want a companion to share that feeling with or hell get that feeling about but now-a-days thats just not going to happen. I have talked about being in love with someone for so long and cried myself to sleep so many nights that you just have to make a compromise with love.

Ok, I quit love! I will stop using your name in vain and constantly imagining what you can do for me once I feel you. I'm tired of always asking myself as every man passes me by "Is that the one". Love is cool but I'm realizing that its nothing like it seems on TV or in movies. Love doesn't come with theme music and dolly zoom shoots with you and your partner looking perfect even after you wake up. Love doesn't always smell good, it doesn't always say the right things , and it certainly can't buy you anything.

This four letter word causes so much confusion and makes so much money its ridiculous. Love this, love that, call 1 800 LOVE 000. The kind of love I want isn't on the front page of Essence or Vanity Fair, or in the greatest movies/Tv shows. As I get old and wise and make solid morals and values for myself; I realize love has to be in so many other places because it goes into someone else. I have to love myself, where I work, my friends, where I live, my family, what I eat, and THEN last but not least someone else. Quite frankly if the person I like doesn't love what I love then WE won't be in love. POINT BLANK PERIOD.

I will never be tired of love or what it means because I have love in my life its just not placed on a romantic relationship yet. It'll happen once I get everything else straightened out.